2 Powerful Truths about Dedication toward Abundant Living
Week 13: Dedication Affirmation
4 Powerful Ways to Use Creativity for Abundant Living
Week 12: Creativity Affirmation
3 Powerful and Courageous Steps You Can Take to Experience Abundant Living
Week 11: Courage Affirmation
5 Powerful Ways Completeness will Bring more Abundance into your Life
Week 10: Completeness Affirmation
8 Powerful Ways Compassion can Create more Abundance in your Life
Week 9: Compassion Affirmation
7 Powerful Areas of Choice to Build more Abundance in your Life.
Week 8: Choice Affirmation
5 Powerful Ways Celebration Increases Abundance in your Life.
Week 7: Celebration Affirmation
3 Powerful Ways to Expand your Capabilities to Increase Abundance in your Life.
Week 6: Capabilities Affirmation
3 Powerful Ways the Body Builds and Strengthens Abundance in your Life.
Week 5: Body Affirmation
22 Powerful Ways Beauty Will Show You The Way to Abundant Living
Week 4: Beauty Affirmation