Spring is a wonderful time to bloom; new things coming forth so I wanted to do a special blog post to refresh your self- love. Truth is you become less effective when you don't take care of You so below are 3 steps to ensure you spring forth. Also if you read the entire blog post I have a special bonus video below.

Step 1: Mindset
Oftentimes we can be way to hard on ourselves, this has to do with your mindset. Another term you might have heard is "self talk". Even if you don't verbally say it out loud you're thinking thoughts about yourself and its important to make sure they are loving thoughts. When you work on your mindset it is loving yourself and to make sure you fight fear based thinking like:
"I am not enough"
Feeling guilty
Criticizing any part of your body
Instead try these tips
Learn to practice self-compassion
Appreciate yourself and celebrate yourself "I am more than enough"
Take time to focus on your mindset
Be willing to learn, take action, and even invest in personal development

Step 2: Have a Morning Routine
If you haven't done so already make sure that you have a morning routine, doing so will greatly help your self -love. Take the time to reflect, discover, and rediscovery what works best for you.
Don’t wait, do self-care first thing in the morning, because we say we will do something but when the evening comes around we're just too tired or we get so busy in the day to day that we forget to get to it. And since getting enough sleep is important I suggest making sure that you have self-care in the beginning of your morning routine.
Get up a little bit earlier, even if it's just 15 minutes- start and increase as you develop the habit. You'll feel so much better before you walk out the door that you did something to love on You.
Here are some quick ideas you can do in 15 minutes are less:
Do a morning meditation making sure you're taking some deep breaths to become mindful of your thoughts.
Include affirmations and declaring scriptures (if you would like some ideas I definitely encourage you to go to my YouTube channel check out my affirmation videos for some quick morning meditation ideas.)
Reading a quick devotional
Write 3 things you are grateful for in a journal

Step 3: Use Tools
We all need a little support at times when it comes to staying on track and choosing to personally grow. Choosing to shift and love yourself takes courage because your fighting against the world's view (which is mainly negative). I suggest using tools, proven strategies, are a road map to increase self-care and love for yourself.
Stay open
Read and read often
Attend workshops
Surround yourself around positive community (join my Free Facebook group)
I have a tool in mind that can support you with all three steps above; Be WELL TOOLKIT was specifically designed to not overwhelm you but support the already busy woman to learn easy ways to take care of You; ultimately loving yourself and loving your life.
Thanks for reading!
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Here is the bonus video 3 Steps To Start Your Self-Love Journey
If you need more tools to practice loving yourself and loving your life grab, Be W.E.L.L Toolkit
Live Well, Love Well, Be Well
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