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3 Self-Care Ideas For The Busy Working Woman

Tahira Neckles

I see you working hard in that 9 to 5 wishing you had more time in the day to practice self-care. I remember those days, as a manager leading a team I wanted to lead by example, so instead of being late I would rush out the house too busy to even eat breakfast. I would make coffee at the office and then use caffeine and the responsibilities of work to get me through a 9 to 10 hour day. But soon it all came crumbling down as my health took a unhealthy turn and caused me to but myself back on the agenda.

Look, I don't want chronic illness to be your wake up call. I want you to be full of energy, health and well-being to do the task at hand. I want you to lead your team by showing them self-care actually makes you a better boss (because you will be less stressed). Everyone wins when self-care is practiced. This blog post is for all those working professional career driven women. Read below for 3 ways to incorporate your self-care.

#1: Get it done in the morning.

I know your time is tight and usually after a hard's day of work you just want to come home take a shower, eat a good meal, and have a good laugh as you wind down. So the truth is even if you only get up 15 minutes earlier then you do now and dedicate that time to self-care you can get done 2 to 3 things within that 15 minutes time period. It doesn't have to be long, the most important thing is that you start, increase, and maintain self-care for your optimal health.

Need some simple self-care ideas you can do in 5 minutes are less? Check out my Free List of 30 Simple Self-Care Ideas here. But I'll give you 3 right now you can start for the busy working woman:

1) Stretch for 5 minutes

2) Do a quick Devotional (Jesus Calling takes literally 2 minutes)

3) Say your affirmations and give yourself a quick confidence boost before you hit the work world.

#2: Schedule 1 hour on the weekend dedicated to Self-Care.

As a working professional it may be hard to get in extra self-care during the week so I suggest you start with my simple 111 system:

  • Pick 1 Day a week

  • Pick 1 Self-Care Goal a week

  • Take at least 1 hour a week

Have fun with pampering yourself and write it down in your planner or on your google calendar and when you have a stressful day at work I give you permission to day-dream about the self-care time you are going to have. Having a dedicated time to recharge will invigorate you for the week ahead. My top go to self-care use to be

1) A Wellness Walk (outdoors)

2) A Epsom Salt Bath

3) A Good Old Nap

#3: Plan a Self-Care Day

So whether you call it a mental health day or a pamper day I want you working women to dedicate a whole day just for your self-care. This will give you the de-stressing you need in a professional world. I know it can be hard to schedule a whole day but you are a planner so this is what you can do. Either plan:

A. 1 "Me Day" a month

B. 1 Self-Care Day every 6 weeks

C. 1 Self-Care Day every 90 days (and if you choose C then I want you to go all out- schedule the spa day, massage, and a getaway to the ocean.)

D. Do all thee above (My favorite but then again I am unapologetic about my self-care)

So because I know your time is precious and I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to read this blog post I hope it encouraged you to start, increase, and maintain your self-care. If you would like more simple self-care ideas you can do in 5 minutes or less check out my Free 30 List of Simple Self-Care. Click here.

Thanks for reading!

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If you are looking for a community of support to practice self-love and self-care join my free Facebook group for women called Be a W.E.L.L Join me for the self-care workshop of the month , every 4th Wednesday at 7 pm PST, exclusively inside this group.

Live Well, Love Well, Be Well

Featured Product: Self-Care For Today: A 52 Week Guide To Practice Self-love and Care Throughout the Year eBook is available now for a special offer of $17. Consider this tool if you need a simple system to practice and maintain your self-care. Daily Self-Care Tracker 52 weeks included.

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