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Sell Your First 100 Book Copies Fast

Writer's picture: Tahira NecklesTahira Neckles

Tis the Season to Write a Book blog series continues as we countdown our way to Christmas. If you're a new author and haven't sold your first 100 book copies then this blog post is for you. Today is day 22 of 24 here is the fastest way to make book sales, let's dive right in.

So I heard this statistic that was really sad, it said self-published authors don't sell even 100 book copies.

Now let’s make sure that’s not your story.

First, let's start with a mindset that you're not going to give up on promoting your book until you sell your first 100 copies.

We all start off as a rookie sometimes. However, being new to something doesn't mean you won't have instant success, especially if you are confident because you have a strategy.

When I was a new author in 2017 with only a $7.99 Inspirational Book I was able to sell my first 100 copies in a year.

I did that by promoting my book in three main ways:

1) Doing videos on Facebook

2) Blogging once a week

3) Community (this can be in person or virtually)

Use these three things in 2022 if you want to sell books organically and build up your know, like, trust factor.

However, if you want to go the fastest route then I recommend you invest in running Amazon ads. Dedicate time to learning a new way to bring readers to your book.

When you run Amazon Ads not only will you reach 100 book copies but it's also a wonderful way to get feedback on your book.

It's good to know what's working, get book reviews, and know if your book is selling well especially before deciding to do book number two or create a series.

When running ads start small with $.039 cents per click and make sure to split test. Like anything new be willing to stay the course for 100 days then evaluate the results.

If you're new to Amazon Ads and want to learn more my course will have an entire module dedicated to Amazon Ads.

Are you willing to try Amazon Ads in 2022? Would you like me to create more blogs about Amazon Ads? Let me know in the comments and I'll be happy to come out with more blog posts in the 2022 year.

Tomorrow Day 23, I will share why you need an Amazon Author's page so stay tuned. If you enjoyed reading make sure to like, share, comment, and subscribe to this site so that you never miss a post during this series. If you missed any of the posts during this series go back to Day 1 click here to catch up.

Need help creating a marketing strategy for your book? Book your one-on-one consultation Success Plan to Self-Publishing Fall Special is currently $150 vs. $250. You will walk away with clarity and 3 actionable steps to write your book and self-publish the right way. Click here to schedule your success plan.

If you're an aspiring author of faith this book is for You. Also makes a great gift for someone you love. Available now on Amazon for $14.99 click the link here to get your copy.

This blog may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon associate if you purchase from any link I will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thanks again for your support. And happy holidays!

Hi, I'm Tahira! Author, Writer, and Book Consultant at TahiraGift Consulting LLC. As a Blessed Author, I share on this blog tips to help other women of faith write and self-publish a book for impact and income in 30 days. Learn more and get my Write a Book 6-Step Blueprint Free Checklist click here.



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