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Where to Start When Writing a Book

Writer: Tahira NecklesTahira Neckles

Tis the Season to Write a Book blog series continues as we countdown our way to Christmas. So, you want to write a book but you're not sure where to start. Today is Day 4 of 24 and it's all about where to start when writing a book, let's dive right in.

I know a lot of people think writing is the first step. They even get discouraged or hard on themselves for not being able to write. Let me tell you it takes more than putting words together to make your dream of becoming a published author a reality.

This is Where You Start

First, get a clear vision and have a strong "why". You already have the vision-it's your dream; or what I call a God-vision because God put the dream in your heart for a purpose. Your job is to write down the dream and put it where you can see it. Something as simple as keeping your vision in front of you makes a difference; it's a subtle reminder to your subconscious. Many of us are visual creatures, so picturing your book as you work on it can be a motivator and fix your focus when you start writing. I recommend placing your vision and your “why” somewhere you'll see it daily like your refrigerator, your bathroom mirror, or your writing desk. Now let's get clear on the why. A "why" is defined as the driving force or conviction that propels you forward.

Why Some People Never Finish A Book

Not understanding your vision or having a strong enough “why” is the reason many don’t finish their book. Awareness is key, but here is the good part. One of my gifts as a visionary is the ability to maximize others' potential, and help them to find their deeper "why". This "why" will motivate you to finally get that book done. Most people think they have a "why", on the surface. Over the years I have heard many statements. . .

"Well, I've always wanted to write a book." Many people want to write a book and still don't. This statement is not deep enough.


"I think I can help a lot of people with my story." This is true, but that won't move you to actually write.


"I want to create an additional income stream." Money is a resource or tool, it will not be enough to motivate you when things don't go your way.

All these reasons above are valid; however, they’re not truly your "why." Once you dig deep and discover it, this conviction will help you complete the next 5 steps needed to complete and self-publish your book.

The Power Of Reflection

Taking the time to think deeply and reflect is a valuable skill in our fast-paced society. We don’t engage in reflection enough, if at all. Take time to be above the noise and think about your book. Now it’s your turn to go deeper and discover your “why”. This is something I help my clients do. I work with them one-on-one to discover their deeper “why.” But here is an exercise you can use to get started. Get into a quiet space and ask yourself this question- Why do I want to write this book? Usually, your first answer is not your “why.” I want you to set a timer for at least seven minutes, and ask yourself the question repeatedly. If you begin to hit an emotional core, meaning tears are flowing as you write, then you have tapped into your “why.” If you definitely have your “why” then now you can start your first chapter. You have already begun writing, now take your “why” and put it to work.

Begin Your Free Write

Sit down and either write in your journal, type on your computer, audio record yourself or my favorite video record yourself answering this question: Why do I have to write this book? Guess what! The answer to this question is what connects you to your reader. Your authentic self comes out when you talk about your “why.” Will you allow yourself to freely write without judgment and without worrying about grammar? We will get to how to edit your book in a later blog post. Your only focus in discovering your "why" is to get still with God and allow the truth of who you are to surface. The truth is you are a gift. When you write your light keeps giving. Shine your light and get to writing.

Pro Tip:

Your “why” will be the conviction you need that will propel you forward to complete your book. The good news is it’s already within you.

Tomorrow Day 5, I share tips to create a simple outline for your book so stay tuned. Did you enjoy this blog post? Guess what it's an excerpt from chapter one in my new book, 6-Step Blueprint: How to Write a Book in 30 Days for Faith-Based Authors. If you enjoyed reading make sure to like, comment, and subscribe to this site so that you never miss a post during this series.

Need help getting clear about your Why? Book your one-on-one consultation Success Plan to Self-Publishing Fall Special is currently $150 vs. $250. You will walk away with clarity and 3 actionable steps to write your book and self-publish the right way. Click here to schedule your success plan.

If you're an aspiring author of faith this book is for You. Also makes a great gift for someone you love. Available now on Amazon for $14.99 click the link here to get your copy.

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Hi, I'm Tahira! Author, Writer, and Book Consultant at TahiraGift Consulting LLC. As a Blessed Author, I share on this blog tips to help other women of faith write and self-publish a book for impact and income in 30 days. Learn more and get my Write a Book 6-Step Blueprint Free Checklist click here.

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